Founder of the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf.
Teclis m - Most powerful wizard in this age of the world. Selafyn of the Annulii m, - Limited edition figure, A Warden of the Annulii and part of the Storm of Chaos event. Imrik m - Ruling Prince of the kingdom of Caledor, Imrik is a direct descendant of Caledor Dragontamer. Finubar the Seafarer - the eleventh and current Phoenix King of the High Elves. Asarnil m the Dragonlord- An exiled prince and Dog of War, who rides the green dragon Deathfang. Eltharion m the Grimdark - A Swordmaster, the Prince of Yvresse and the Warden of Tor Yvresse.
Alith Anar is the ruler of the Shadow Warriors.
Alith Anar m - Known as the Shadow King of Nagarythe. Alarielle m the Radiant - Current Everqueen of Avelorn and spiritual leader of the High Elves. Forged many powerful weapons and artifacts to combat Chaos during the Great Catastrophe. Caledor the Dragontamer - The greatest elven mage ever to have lived and the creator of the Great Vortex. Astarielle - First (recorded) Everqueen and first wife of Aenarion. Perished alongside his dragon Indraugnir, after slaying four Greater Daemons while defending the creation of the Great Vortex. He was granted incredible abilities by his gods to combat the first Great Chaos Incursion. Aenarion the Defender - The first Phoenix King, whose skills were unrivalled amongst other mortals or immortals. For some reason the Orks disappeared from the catalogues for the next couple of years. Unfortunately RT codes continued appearing in White Dwarf for a bit longer. In May 1988, all codes were revised as part of the 1988 catalogue reorganization, and Rogue Trader became 4Nnn with a 2 digit suffix for the individual model. The initial releases were coded RTOn, which was expanded to RTNnn, where N mostly indicated the army. The miniatures went through several coding changes from 1987 through 1989, making classifying them more than problematic. The first armies appeared on the September 1987 Flyer / White Dwarf 93. The first "Warhammer 40,000 (Rogue Trader)" miniatures are shown on the March 1987 Flyer. The original miniatures release had been the C100 Space Marines in August 1986 which had not referenced 40,000 or Rogue Trader. The popularity of the game and miniatures initially surprised GW, but it went on to be their best selling system. Despite being announced in the April 1983 "Dragon" catalogue as a spaceship game, and then in October 1983 's Compendium 1 as an SF role playing game, Warhammer 40,000 (Rogue Trader) was launched in September 1987, following a teaser in August's White Dwarf 92.